From Detox To Aftercare: Rehab Steps For Substance Use Recovery
From Detox To Aftercare: Rehab Steps For Substance Use Recovery
When you’re prepared to quit using addictive drugs or alcohol, your greatest odds for success is to start rehab. But, rehab is not just one step or place. Substance use rehab and recovery is a multifaceted process with several stops throughout the journey. But there’s no need to let that dissuade you. Knowing the stages of rehab will help you have the courage to start. You can be confident that at every phase, you’ll find caring, specialized providers ready to help you progress in your recovery and live your best life.
Stages Of Rehab And Your Unique Journey
Alcohol and drug addiction is both a mental and physical affliction. The many steps of rehab treat both facets so you can fully recover over time. Different medical organizations could employ different substance use treatment methodologies, but recognized rehab steps include:
- Inpatient detox
- Inpatient rehab
- Outpatient support
- Ongoing aftercare
Everyone’s experience with substance use disorder is unique, and so is their path to recovery. While you’ll encounter the same steps of rehab in Orlando as other people, how you accomplish those steps will likely look different. Countless people revisit steps or start over, in some cases several times, before they ultimately enter recovery. The important thing is to seek qualified care and always proceed one step at a time toward wellness.
Substance Detox Is The Initial Step Toward Recovery
When it’s time to stop using habit-forming drugs or alcohol, your first step is to detox from those chemicals and let your body flush them from your system. However, if your body is reliant on those substances, withdrawal can take hold and cause you to feel quite sick.
To succeed at detoxing, you need to begin a medically directed detox program. You’ll live at a detox location and get round-the-clock medical treatment to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and keep you out of danger. Detox often takes one to two weeks.
If you happen to relapse, you can always start over whenever you’re prepared to make another try.
Substance Rehab Focuses On The Mental Facet Of Addiction
While the detox process centers on physiological recovery, the next step of rehab looks at the mental side of addiction. At this step, you’ll reside in a rehab center far from triggers of alcohol or drug use. You’ll spend each day going to various therapies to confront the mental health causes of your addiction and learn beneficial coping skills to replace alcohol or drugs. Those therapies may include various forms of
- Individual counseling working face-to-face with a therapist
- Therapist-led group therapy sessions
If you take substances to navigate an untreated or undiagnosed mental health disorder, rehab is an ideal opportunity to work toward a diagnosis or start proper treatment. Recognizing and treating co-occurring disorders is vital to recovery.
Similar to detox, you can revisit this stage of rehab whenever you need to.
Moving On To Outpatient Treatment
You may reside at your rehab facility as long as you need to feel strong enough to transition back home. But even once you return, treatment will continue. You still have a right to compassionate treatment to keep yourself sobert. At this phase, you’ll benefit from outpatient treatment that lets you sleep at home and slowly get back into your usual activities.
Outpatient treatment employs ongoing psychiatric therapy from credentialed professionals to let you stay at home without relapsing. Mental health locations that specialize in drug and alcohol recovery are ideal for this stage of rehab in Orlando. They will have various forms of outpatient care to offer the structured routine that helps in avoiding relapse.
Partial hospitalization programs (PHP) involve going to mental health and addiction treatment every weekday for several hours each day. You may live at home or a closeby sober living center when you’re enrolled in PHP.
Intensive outpatient programs (IOP) offer counseling throughout the week to keep you progressing in your recovery while you live at home and navigate work and other commitments.
You could also go to medication management counseling at this stage. If you’ve been prescribed prescriptions to minimize substance cravings or control a mental affliction, it’s vital you have a medical professional helping you evaluate side effects and dosing.
Additional Aftercare Options
During every rehab step, you’ll craft an aftercare plan with a skilled counselor. Your aftercare plan will outline your next steps of treatment to sustain your recovery momentum. In time, you’ll make it through the steps of rehab and see yourself on the cusp of recovery.
It’s a great accomplishment to regain control of your life enough to no longer require constant treatment. Nevertheless, you’ll still have opportunities for further support. Here are some things you may do:
- Continue to see a trusted counselor
- Attend twelve-step meetings or comparable support groups
- Frequently remind yourself of the insights you gained over your recovery journey
- Strengthen connections with supportive people
- Invest in positive activities and hobbies
- Revisit any rehab step if you ever notice yourself in a struggle to maintain sobriety
You may never be completely “cured” of addiction, but recovery is achievable when you follow the steps of rehab in Orlando. Going back to those stages as often as needed and depending on your support system will permit you to live free of drugs and alcohol down the road.
Get Started On The First Steps Of Rehab Near Orlando Today
No matter where you are in your addiction recovery journey, Sunrise Detox Orlando will help you find the treatment you need. Give us a call at 407-305-4029 now or complete the contact form below to have a conversation about where to seek treatment. All calls are free of charge and private. We are standing by to assist you right away.