Types Of Detox For Drug And Alcohol Addiction Near Orlando
Whenever you’re prepared to make the opening step toward drug or alcohol recovery, you need to start with detox treatment. Through detox, your body eliminates the harmful substance. It's not always a straightforward experience, although it can be made more manageable through a medically assisted detox. But is detox the same for all?
Your experience in detox primarily depends on what substances you’ve been using. There are multiple types of detox in Orlando, and the experts at Sunrise Detox Orlando are able to determine the right program for you.
If you are ready to detox from drugs or alcohol, call us at 407-305-4029, and we’ll start you on your road to recovery.
Do I Need Detox In Orlando?
Detox lets your body rid itself of harmful drugs so you have the chance to begin your recovery. However, halting the use of alcohol or drugs with the intention of detoxification isn't an effortless procedure. You might suffer from devastating withdrawal symptoms as your body adjusts -- especially if you quit abruptly. Certain symptoms might even be deadly without medical supervision. Most of people who attempt detox alone are not able to withstand withdrawal and go back to using almost immediately.
Medically directed detox is the ideal method for an effective and safe detox from alcohol and drugs. Over the course of this process, trained medical professionals monitor your vitals and ease symptoms to keep you alive and comfortable.
If you need support and assistance overcoming a substance use disorder, call Sunrise Detox Orlando at 407-305-4029 now. We’ll ensure you complete detox comfortably and safely at our state-of-the-art treatment facility.
Types Of Detox Near Orlando
Just as there are many types of addictive substances, there are several types of detox for drug and alcohol addiction in Orlando. When you start care at our facility, we’ll ask what drugs you have in your system so we can determine how to treat you. Contingent on your physiological and psychological state when you’re admitted, we’ll design a personalized detox plan for your unique needs.
There are some shared aspects to all programs at Sunrise Detox Orlando. First, you’ll come to the facility and go through a brief appraisal that gives us information on your psychological and physiological health. We’ll also check your insurance and present you with a nicely furnished room to rest. Our team will craft a customized plan of treatment that permits you to detox safely and comfortably. Then as you improve, you are encouraged to participate in group and individual therapy sessions . Prior to your departure, we’ll also create an aftercare plan that outlines the proper road to a long-term recovery.
Rest assured, no matter what drugs you are looking to detox from, your comfort and safety are our leading priorities. No matter what you have in your system, you’ll get skilled care administered by caring staff in a hospitable surrounding. Although your exact plan will vary, here is what you might anticipate in the differing types of detox near Orlando. You may also reach out to 407-305-4029 anytime to ask a question.
Alcohol Detox
Alcohol is one drug where it can be harmful to quit cold turkey or handle withdrawal symptoms on your own. If you consume excessive amounts or have alcohol use disorder, you should seek expert help with alcohol detox. You will in all likelihood confront withdrawal symptoms like:
- Mood swings and irritability
- Anxiety
- Headaches
- Sleeplessness
- Excessive perspiration
- Nausea and vomiting
- Weakness
- Fevers
- Gastrointestinal distress
- Heart palpitations
The professionals at Sunrise Detox are able to assist with all symptoms. Over the course of alcohol detox, we monitor your core vital signs and supply medications to make you more comfortable. We often use carefully managed amounts of Librium to reduce anxiety and help you feel at peace during alcohol detox.
numerous patients get through alcohol detox after ten days, even though it could require a longer stay in severe cases. Regardless of how long it takes for you to detox from alcohol, we will see to your every need and discharge you only when you have a comprehensive aftercare plan in place.
Benzodiazepine Detox
Benzodiazepines are sedatives typically utilized to manage anxiety and insomnia. They include:
- Alprazolam (Xanax®)
- Lorazepam (Ativan®)
- Midazolam (Versed®)
- Chlordiazepoxide (Librium®)
- Clonazepam (Klonopin®)
- Diazepam (Valium®)
- Triazolam (Halcion®)
Sadly, benzos are addictive and difficult to detox from. At Sunrise Detox, we aid you in tapering off the drugs and attend to any benzo withdrawal symptoms, including:
- Nausea
- Tremors
- Headaches
- Heart palpitations
- Aches and pains
- Anxiety
- Panic attacks
- Cravings
- Seizures
Benzodiazepine detox can differ from other types of detox provided near Orlando because you often feel all right as detox starts. But over the course of a few days and as the sedative exits your body, the most severe withdrawal symptoms occur. We will closely oversee your state as you continue, and make certain you taper off cautiously so you maintain your comfort.
Most people finish benzo detox in ten days. As you get better, we’ll collaborate with you to figure out your next steps for benzodiazepine use recovery following detox.
Opioid/Opiate Detox
Opiate and opioid drugs are strong pain relievers that come with a risk of addiction. These substances include:
- Heroin
- Fentanyl
- Oxycodone (OxyContin®, Percocet®)
- Hydrocodone (Vicodin®)
- Morphine (Kadian®, Avinza®)
- Codeine
- Methadone
An opioid use disorder can be quite challenging to combat, but Sunrise will get you through it. Throughout opioid/opiate detox, we observe your vital signs and utilize evidence-based methods to relieve
- Nausea
- Pain
- Sleeplessness
- Anxiety
- Restless legs
- Other regular withdrawal symptoms
We usually rely on Suboxone to help individuals taper off opioids due to the fact that it has a lower likelihood of addiction in comparison to alternative substances used in addiction treatment.
Suboxone reduces your withdrawal symptoms so that you can complete detox as comfortably as possible. Our professionals are skilled at carefully administering doses of Suboxone at the appropriate time to avoid complications. Ultimately, we taper you off of the Suboxone as your condition improves.
A great number of our patients complete detoxing from opioids/opiates within seven to ten days, but you could need more time in an extreme case. You might still experience a few withdrawal effects at that juncture, but we will help you find an appropriate rehab center for additional treatment before we release you. Our goal is for you to detox in a successful manner and ultimately recover from opioid addiction permanently.
Stimulants Detox
A good deal of stimulants may be taken safely indefinitely. With that being said, if you’ve fallen into the practice of taking too much, you’ll start to feel damaging effects and could require our help coming down to acceptable levels once again. We can help you detox from stimulants such as:
- Caffeine pills
- Methylphenidates (Ritalin® and Desoxyn®)
- Amphetamines (Adderall® and meth)
- Ephedrine
- Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine®)
- Cocaine (crack)
Stimulant detox is not the same as other types of detox in Orlando. You are likely able to taper off of stimulants without enduring life-threatening effects. But you’ll have an easier time of it when under the supervision of knowledgeable professionals who will help you get through the less critical but still distressing withdrawal symptoms like:
- Lethargy
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Slowed heart rate
- Psychosis
- Cravings
At Sunrise Detox, we get you stable and monitor your heart rate throughout stimulant detox. We may administer low doses of drugs like Valium to counteract the stimulants in your system. We’ll also address any aches and pains you’re having. Above all else, we offer a secure location to stay without the presence of stimulants to prevent a potentially devastating overdose or relapse.
You should plan to feel stronger within a week of starting stimulant detox. Before you leave, we’ll aid you in finding ongoing help for controlling your stimulant use.
Marijuana Detox
Marijuana detox differs from all other types of detox for drug and alcohol addiction in Orlando because it isn't a true detox. Marijuana generally departs your system rapidly without causing withdrawal. Nevertheless, if you use marijuana heavily, you may undergo some negative effects whenever you quit. And you may have trouble stopping if you consume it to manage physical or mental conditions.
If you need support in breaking free from marijuana, our team is ready. We are able to treat you for whatever you experience after quitting marijuana, like:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Irritability
- Insomnia
- Headaches
- Stomach pain
- Shakiness
- Fever
- Cravings
In just a few days, you will likely feel well enough to move to a different facility with a lower level of care and therapy to help you control your marijuana consumption.
Sometimes our patients come in to detox from more serious habit-causing substances and also have weed in their system. In this case, you’ll also have to detox and abstain from weed while we provide care for other concerns. The other substances will have more influence over the type of support you obtain and the duration of your stay at Sunrise.
Contact Us Today To Get More Information About Detox At Sunrise Detox Orlando
Contact us today if you need assistance detoxing from alcohol or drugs. The skilled professionals at Sunrise can help. Call 407-305-4029 or fill out the contact form on this page. We will answer immediately to get you the care you require. We are ready for you right now.

Dr. Christopher Rienas brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his role as a Medical Director at Praesum Healthcare. Double board-certified in both Addiction Psychiatry and General Psychiatry, Dr. Rienas continues to elevate our programs treating substance use and mental health disorders with his deep understanding of addiction and psychiatry.